Dr. Jörg Christian Robl

Adress Dept. of Environment & Biodiversity
University of Salzburg
5020 Salzburg
Hellbrunnerstraße 34/III
Phone +43 ((0)662) 8044 - 5419
E-Mail joerg.robl@plus.ac.at
Homepage www.geodynamics.at
Nationality Austria
Date of birth 18-08-1975
Family partnership
kids: Simon, Jonas
Driving License B
German native
English fluent
Spanish basic
1994 Final exams at high school (eq. to A-levels)
1994 - 1996 Undergraduate studies at Salzburg University, Austria
1996 - 2001 MSc. in geology at Graz University, Austria (under H. Fritz) Title: Strukturkontrollierte Lagerstätten im Raum Schladming
2001 - 2005 PhD in geology at Graz University (under K. Stüwe / G. Houseman) Title: Continental Collision with Finite Indenter Strength
2005 - 2008 Principal Investigator FWF - project P-18341 – “Numerical Models for the Eastern Alps“ at Graz University
2008 - 2011 Research and Development, Alpinfra, consulting + engineering gmbh, Salzburg
2011 - 2012 Postdoctoral research fellow at Graz University: “Economic geology of the Arabian-Nubian Shield” (Industry financed research project funded by SPmining / Madrid)
2012 - 2016 Ass.-Prof. at Salzburg University, Department of Geography and Geology (tenure track)
24. 05. 2016 Habilitation at Salzburg University; Title: The Topographic State of Mountain Belts: Aspects of the Interplay Between Tectonic Forcing and Surface Processes
since 11. 2016 Assoc.- Prof at Salzburg University, Department of Geography and Geology
1999-2000 Care retirement home - Graz
GRANTS > 200k  € OEAW - ESS - "Movemont.at - the moving mountains"
FWF P-18341 – “Numerical Models for the Eastern Alps“
FWF P 31609-NBL–  "ELEvATE: Elevated Low Relief Landscapes in Mountain belts: Active Tectonics or glacial Reshaping? The Eastern Alps as Natural Laboratory.
Publications 37 publications in peer reviewed journals; 1 non peer-reviewed journal article, 4 technical reports and about 100 conference contributions
Reviews Numerous article reviews for leading journals in the field of Geology, Geomorphology and Tectonics such as ESPL, Geology, Tectonics, Nature Communications, Boreas, Lithosphere, JGR, ...
Review of research proposals: SNF, DFG, ISF, ...
Editorial Editorial board member of Lithosphere
Programming Languages C/C++, Java, Python
Operation Systems Windows, Linux; System Administration: Linux Server
HPC High Performance Computing (Linux Cluster, University Graz)
GIS ArcGIS, Erdas Imagine, GRASS, SAGA, Quantum GIS, GMT, River Tools, Global Mapper
Numerical Models Titan2D, FLATModel, RAMMS, Brezo, Basement, GERRIS, RockFall, Anaylst, RocFall
Mapping Mapping in steep alpine domains
Evaluating the impact of natural hazards on Infrastructure
2003, 2008 Organization of an international short course for GMT (Generic Mapping Tool)
2014 PANGEO AUSTRIA - SESSION: Die topographische Entwicklung der Alpen und der Klimawandel im Quartär (Reitner, J.M., Robl, J., Salcher, B., Wagreich, M., Peticzka, R.)
since 2019 several session at the EGU
Family Playing with my kids
Sport Rock climbing, skiing, running, mountainbiking