Recent Study (NHESS 2021)
Controls on the formation and size of potential
landslide dams and dammed lakes in the Austrian Alps
Argentin A-L., Robl J., Prasicek G., Hergarten S.,
Hölbling D., Abad L. and Z. Dabiri
Stay tuned!
Controls on landsliding have long been studied, but the
potential for landslide-induced dam and lake formation has received less
attention. Here, we model possible landslides and the formation of landslide
dams and lakes in the Austrian Alps. We combine a slope criterion with a
probabilistic approach to determine landslide release areas and volumes. We then
simulate the progression and deposition of the landslides with a fluid dynamic
model. We characterize the resulting landslide deposits with commonly used
metrics, investigate their relation to glacial land-forming and tectonic units,
and discuss the roles of the drainage system and valley shape. We discover that
modeled landslide dams and lakes cover a wide volume range. In line with
real-world inventories, we further found that lake volume increases linearly
with landslide volume in the case of efficient damming – when an exceptionally
large lake is dammed by a relatively small landslide deposit. The distribution
and size of potential landslide dams and lakes depends strongly on local
topographic relief. For a given landslide volume, lake size depends on drainage
area and valley geometry. The largest lakes form in glacial troughs, while the
most efficient damming occurs where landslides block a gorge downstream of a
wide valley, a situation preferentially encountered at the transition between
two different tectonic units. Our results also contain inefficient damming
events, a damming type that exhibits different scaling of landslide and lake
metrics than efficient damming and is hardly reported in inventories. We assume
that such events also occur in the real world and emphasize that their
documentation is needed to better understand the effects of landsliding on the
drainage system.

Recent Study (in prep.)
Impact and sensitivity of parameters in debris flow models
Robl J. and S. Hergarten
Stay tuned!
Debris flows are globally abundant threats for settlements and infrastructure in
mountainous regions. Crucial influencing factors for hazard zone planning and
mitigation strategies are based on numerical models that describe granular flow
on general topography by solving a depth-averaged form of the Navier Stokes
equations in combination with an appropriate flow resistance law. In case of
debris flows, the Voellmy rheology is a widely used constitutive law describing
the flow resistance. Parameters of the Vollemy fluid are determined by back
analysis from observed events so that modelled events mimic their historical

Determined parameters characterizing
individual debris flows show a large
variability (related to fluid composition and surface roughness). However, there
may be several sets of parameters
that lead to a similar depositional pattern but cause large differences in flow
velocity and momentum along the
flow path. Fluid volumes of hazardous debris flows are estimated by analyzing
historic events, precipitation
time series, hydrographs or empirical relationships that correlate fluid volumes
and drainage areas of torrential
catchments. Beside uncertainties in the determination of the fluid volume the
position and geometry of the initial
masses of forthcoming debris flows are in general not well constrained but
heavily influence the flow dynamics
and the depositional pattern even in the run-out zones. In this study, we
systematically explore effects of the aforementioned
parameters on run-out distance, inundated area and momentum. Our results
indicate that the spatial position and geometry of the release volume in
combination with various parameter sets within a realistic range of parameters
characterizing the Voellmy fluid heavily influence momentum, inundated areas and
run-out distances. Even worse, different parameter sets lead to very similar
depositional pattern but may differ in momentum along the flow path by more than
one order of magnitude and beyond.
Modeling rapid mass movements using the shallow water equations
Read the entire study!
We propose a new method to
model rapid mass movements on complex topography using the shallow water
equations in Cartesian coordinates. These equations are the widely used standard
approximation for the flow of water in rivers and shallow lakes, but the main
prerequisite for their application – an almost horizontal fluid table – is in
general not satisfied for avalanches and debris flows in steep terrain.
Therefore, we have developed appropriate correction terms for large topographic
gradients. In this study we present the mathematical formulation of these
correction terms and their implementation in the open-source flow solver GERRIS.
This novel approach is evaluated by simulating avalanches on synthetic and
finally natural topographies and the widely used Voellmy flow resistance law.
Testing the results against analytical solutions and the proprietary avalanche
model RAMMS, we found a very good agreement. As the GERRIS flow solver is freely
available and open source, it can be easily extended by additional fluid models
or source areas, making this model suitable for simulating several types of
rapid mass movements. It therefore provides a valuable tool for assisting
regional-scale natural hazard studies.
