The research project is funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences from November 2022 to October 2025. It involves the University of Graz, the University of Salzburg, the three Austrian UNESCO Global Geoparks, and various international partners. The movemont.at project aims at exploring the role of landslides as geosystem services, with a particular focus on environmental education at the three Austrian UNESCO Global Geoparks. Stresses in mountain ranges under dead load are computed with a novel numerical approach and presented by means of VR - goggles in the visitor centers of the UNESCO Global Geoparks .
ELEvATE: Elevated Low Relief LandscapEs in Mountain Belts: Active Tectonics or Glacial REshaping? The Eastern Alps as Natural Laboratory. Here you find the abstract of the Research Proposal!
This project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the government of Salzburg for a period of three years. After a one-year extension, the research project concluded with a series of high-profile publications in 2023. Several articles with exciting data (burial ages of cave sediments) are still in the publication pipeline.
Selected recent studiesThe linear feedback precipitation model (LFPM) - a simple and efficient model for orographic precipitation in the context of landform evolution modelingHergarten S. and J. Robl
The influence of climate on landform evolution has attracted great interest over the past decades. While many studies aim at determining erosion rates or parameters of erosion models, feedbacks between tectonics, climate, and landform evolution have been discussed but addressed quantitatively only in a few modeling studies. One of the problems in this field is that coupling a large-scale landform evolution model with a regional climate model would dramatically increase the theoretical and numerical complexity. Only a few simple models have been made available so far that allow efficient numerical coupling between topography-controlled precipitation and erosion.
This paper fills this gap by introducing a quite simple approach involving two vertically integrated moisture components (vapor and cloud water). The interaction between the two components is linear and depends on altitude. This model structure is in principle the simplest approach that is able to predict both orographic precipitation at small scales and a large-scale decrease in precipitation over continental areas without introducing additional assumptions. Even in combination with transversal dispersion and elevation-dependent evapotranspiration, the model is of linear time complexity and increases the computing effort of efficient large-scale landform evolution models only moderately. Simple numerical experiments applying such a coupled landform evolution model show the strong impact of spatial precipitation gradients on mountain range geometry including steepness and peak elevation, position of the principal drainage divide, and drainage network properties.
MOVIES: Impact of model parameters on the Precipitation Pattern | India-Asia MOVIES: Co-Evolution of Precipiation and Topographie
See also Stefan Hergartens openlem page: http://hergarten.at/openlem/ and learn to apply this fascinating code to different questions of landscape evolution: http://hergarten.at/openlem/firstexample/
Recent Study (GMD 2023)Modeling large-scale landform evolution with a stream power law
Controls on the formation and size of potential landslide dams and dammed lakes in the Austrian AlpsArgentin A-L., Robl J., Prasicek G., Hergarten S., Hölbling D., Abad L. and Z. Dabiri
Controls on landsliding have long been studied, but the potential for landslide-induced dam and lake formation has received less attention. Here, we model possible landslides and the formation of landslide dams and lakes in the Austrian Alps. We combine a slope criterion with a probabilistic approach to determine landslide release areas and volumes. We then simulate the progression and deposition of the landslides with a fluid dynamic model. We characterize the resulting landslide deposits with commonly used metrics, investigate their relation to glacial land-forming and tectonic units, and discuss the roles of the drainage system and valley shape. We discover that modeled landslide dams and lakes cover a wide volume range. In line with real-world inventories, we further found that lake volume increases linearly with landslide volume in the case of efficient damming – when an exceptionally large lake is dammed by a relatively small landslide deposit. The distribution and size of potential landslide dams and lakes depends strongly on local topographic relief. For a given landslide volume, lake size depends on drainage area and valley geometry. The largest lakes form in glacial troughs, while the most efficient damming occurs where landslides block a gorge downstream of a wide valley, a situation preferentially encountered at the transition between two different tectonic units. Our results also contain inefficient damming events, a damming type that exhibits different scaling of landslide and lake metrics than efficient damming and is hardly reported in inventories. We assume that such events also occur in the real world and emphasize that their documentation is needed to better understand the effects of landsliding on the drainage system.
Latest PublicationsArgentin, A.-L., Prasicek, G., Robl, J., Hergarten, S., Hölbling, D., Abad, L., and Dabiri, Z., 2023, The scaling of landslide-dammed lakes: Global and Planetary Change, v. 228.
Duan, M.,
Neubauer, F., Robl, J. C., Zhou, X., Liebl, M., Argentin, A.-L. M., Dong, Y.,
Cheng, C., Zhang, B., Boekhout, F., and Bedoya Gonzalez, D. A., 2023,
Northeastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau: Topographic evidence from the
North Qinling Mts. - Weihe Graben Coupling system, Central China:
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 623, no. 6223.
Liebl, M.,
Robl, J., Hergarten, S., Egholm, D. L., and Stüwe, K., 2023, Modeling
large-scale-landform evolution with a stream power law for glacial erosion
(OpenLEM v37): benchmarking experiments against a more process-based description
of ice flow (iSOSIA v3.4.3): Geosci. Model Dev., v. 16, no. 4, p. 1315-1343.
Turab, S.
A., Stüwe, K., Stuart, F. M., Cogne, N., Chew, D. M., and Robl, J.,
2023, A two phase escarpment evolution of the Red Sea margin of southwestern
Saudi Arabia: Insights from low-temperature apatite thermochronology, v. 603.
K., Robl, J., Liebl, M., Dremel, F., Stüwe, K., and von Hagke, C.,
2023, Old orogen – young topography: Evidence for relief rejuvenation in the
Bohemian Massif: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 116, no. 1, p. 17-38. More publications are in the pipeline ...